If you would learn the gospel, then learn the meaning of these two words–SUBSTITUTION and SATISFACTION.

“He was wounded for our transgressions.” He was literally our SUBSTITUTE before the law and justice of God. In our place, in our stead, bearing our transgressions and all of our iniquities, He took upon Himself all that justice could inflict. He made full SATISFACTION, for “by His stripes we are healed.” God is reconciled, the debt is paid, justice is satisfied. He fully reconciled us to God by His obedience and His death (II Cor. 5:19-21). The heart of the sinner was not changed toward God in the sufferings of Christ (that is accomplished later by the Holy Spirit and the word), but the wrath of God was removed toward the sinner. Reconcilliation is the work of God in Christ toward Himself (Rom. 3:24-26).

 (Vs. 6) The prophet is careful not to say “they” or “them,” but “WE!” “All WE like sheep” and “the Iniquity of US all.” Read Verses 4-6 and put your name in every place you read “our” and “we.” Someone wrote: “My sins, my sins, my Savior, how sad on Thee they fall; when I see them in Thy death, I ten-fold own them all. My sins, my sins, my Savior, their guilt I never knew; till I saw them at the cross, the Lord of hosts they slew.”

Henry Mahan