What about OBEDIENCE?
What about OBEDIENCE?

We are call to "obedience to the faith". To obey the Gospel means to humble ourselves, turn from ALL self-effort of law keeping as a means of our salvation and simply "believe" in the all sufficient sacrifice of Jesus Christ at Calvary whom abundantly PAID the debit for ALL our past, present, and future sins. It is finished!

We now live from a position of power, love, and a sound mind. ALL fear having been cast out! God saves us thru the amazing Gift of His own dear Son, whereby He adopts us as full born sons into the family of God. WHAT a GIFT! What GOOD NEWS!!

As sons we take on the family traits as He "wills and works" in and thru us. Only what He guides and directs will produce lasting fruit and have eternal benefit, everything else is "wood, hay, and stubble"!

The swedish word for obedience - lydnad. It means to bend your heart's ears, to listen attentively and receptively. It is the obedience that Jesus talks of when he says about Mary of Bethany's choice: ONE thing is necessary. The one thing that we have to do is listen to Jesus and receive what he has done.